World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
provincial A religious superior directing houses in a religious province.
provisional annual conference A regional jurisdiction in North American Methodism.
provost The head of a cathedral or cathedral chapter; in German Protestantism, a clergyman in charge of the chief church of a region.
pseudo-religions See quasi-religions.
psychology of religion The science of mind or of mental phenomena and activities with regard to religion: the psychology of religious phenomena.
psychoneurotics Sufferers from psychoneuroses.
psychotics The mentally ill, or mentally abnormal; sufferers from severe mental disorders (psychoses).
public profession (of religion). See professing Christians.
publishers In Jehovahs Witnesses terminology, ordinary members of congregations, who are expected to average 10- 15 hours per month preaching, talking and in house-tohouse visiting.
publishing houses Organizations producing Christian literature member over 2,000.
puja, pooja (Sanskrit). AHindu rite, religious festival, or act of worship or propitiation.
pupil A child or young person in school.
Pygmy An Early African ethnolinguistic family; Negrillo.
Qadianis Majority party among Ahmadis (qv).
Qaraism See Karaites.
Qarmatians, Karmatians A name for Muslims who are Shia Ismailis.
Quakers Friends (qv).
quality of life The effectiveness of social services in a country, measured by the HDI (human development index).
quantification Measuring an items quantity or number, or transforming qualitative data into quantitative.
quasi-Christian Seemingly, partly, almost, in some sense, a Christian.
Quasi-Christians Seemingly, partly, almost in some sense, to be Christians.
quasi-confessions Non-confessional international denominational bodies (qv), which are partly or entirely de facto world confessional families, or world communions.
quasi-continent Partly a continent; used of the Caribbean, Middle East and other regions.
quasi-parish In Catholic usage, partly or virtually a parish although not yet formally or canonically established.
quasipentecostal Nonpentecostal or noncharismatic church members or churches which nevertheless are apparently/seemingly/largely pentecostal or semipentecostal in practice; especially strong in Third-World countries;not usually counted in Renewal enumerations.
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