World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Nasoreans Mandaeans (qv).
nation A politically-organized nationality, ethno-linguistic group or family or people, usually with independent existence in a sovereign nation-state; state, country.
nation A politically-organized nationality with independent, self-governing, autonomous existence as a sovereign country or nation-state, hence eligible for membership in the United Nations.
nation, sovereign See sovereign territory.
national (1) Relating to a nation. (2) One who owes permanent allegiance to a nation without regard to place of residence; often a citizen but not necessarily so.
national Christian councils Councils of churches and denominations which also include para-church organizations as full members.
national church The church of a nation; established church, state church, or occasionally a former state church now disestablished.
national clergy Clergy who are nationals of the nation they work in.
national conciliarism Nationwide councils of churches and Christian councils of all kinds number about 550.
national councils of churches Councils of churches in which full membership is only open to denominations, but not to para-church organizations.
national income per person The average per capita annual income in a country at a particular date, usually derived as gross national product (qv) per capita.
native An individual born or raised in the territory in which he lives.
native language Mother tongue (qv).
native speakers Mother-tongue speakers of a specific language.
nativistic movement Among tribal or primitive peoples, a movement advocating or advancing the perpetuation or reestablishment of native culture traits and a concomitant restriction or removal of foreign culture elements often accompanied by a strong messianic or ceremonial cult.
natural change Demographic change as experienced by the whole population of a country or area including all its religious bodies, composed of biological change together with migration change.
natural growth rate The net sum of crude birth rate in the population minus crude death rate, plus net immigration rate.
natural increase In United Nations usage, biological change or the excess of births over deaths in a population.
natural increase Births in a population minus deaths within a fixed period, usually one year. Sometimes a figure for net immigration is added.
naturalization The process by which aliens acquire the nationality of their country of residence.
naturalized persons Former aliens who have now become citizens.
near-Bible For any no-scripture language, a Bible in a nearlanguage (qv) within its own cluster.
near-Bible A Bible translation in a language in the same cluster as languages without translations but sufficiently close for speakers of the latter to utilize it.
near-gospel For any no-scripture language, a gospel in a near-language (qv) within its own cluster.
near-gospel A gospel translation in a language within the same cluster as several languages without, but which can use it because they share 80% common vocabulary.
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