World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Dyophysites Eastern Orthodox, Chalcedonian.
E A computed estimate of the percentage of persons in a particular population segment (world, country, people, city) who have become evangelized, by or at a particular date.
Early African One of the 13 ethnic regions of mankind, speaking 57 languages.
Early Fathers The Apostolic Fathers (qv).
East Syrians Assyrians, Nestorians, Syro-Chaldeans.
Easter Annual church celebration commemorating Christs resurrection.
Easter attender A church member who attends church at Easter.
Easter communicant A church member who receives communion at Easter.
Eastern Church A collective term for Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Assyrian (Nestorian) Eastern-rite Catholic and other churches east of the Mediterranean.
Eastern Orthodox Chalcedonian Christians, sometimes collectively referred to as Greek Orthodox and excluding Oriental Orthodox (qv).
Eastern rite (Oriental-rite) Catholics. All Catholics or Catholics in communion with the Church of Rome who follow rites other than the Latin rite (totaling 28 rites and sub-rites). A full listing is given in Table 1-5.
Eastern Syrians East Syrians (qv).
ecclesia (NT Greek). A church; in particular, a local congregation of the Christadelphians.
ecclesial communion In Catholic usage, collegiality or co-responsibility (qv).
ecclesial community A basic community (qv).
ecclesiarch A high church official or ruling prelate.
ecclesiastic A person in holy orders or consecrated to the service of the church: a clergyman
ecclesiastical Relating to the church as a formal and established institution.
ecclesiastical crime Term relating especially to embezzlements of church funds by top custodians. Global total (in 2000): $16 billion per year.
ecclesiastical crime Criminal activity on the part of church officials; restricted in scope here to embezzlements of church funds by their top custodians (treasurers, presidents, et alii).
ecclesiastical name A new Christian name taken on election by popes, patriarchs and other high ecclesiastics, usually one in a series down the centuries.
ecclesiastical province A group of dioceses territorially contiguous, forming an ecclesiastical unit; so termed because originally coincident with the Provinces of the Roman empire. (See under province).
ecclesiastical territories In Catholic usage, circumscriptions or jurisdictions (qv).
ecclesiastical tradition A churchs or denominations main tradition, family, rite, churchmanship, etc., with which it is most closely connected historically. Global total of all major traditions: 300, including 27 Catholic rites and sub-rites.
ecclesiastical tradition See tradition.
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