World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
agnostics Persons who claim no religion or claim that it is not possible to know if God, gods, or the supernatural exist.
agnostics Persons professing no religion, no interest in religion; secularists, materialists; agnostics, but not militantly antireligious or atheists. (Formerly termed "nonreligious")
agricultural land In FAO usage, arable land, land under permanent crops, permanent meadows and pastures.
agricultural missions See rural missions.
ahimsa (Sanskrit). In Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, the doctrine of non-violence, or refraining from harming others including animals and insects.
Ahmadis Followers of the Ahmadiya movement (qv).
Ahmadiya (Ahmadiyah, Ahmadiyya). Ex-Shia Muslim messianic movement, pronounced heretical by Pakistan, following 1889 founder Ghulam Ahmad.
aid and relief At least 360 major Christian organizations are at work in this field.
Alabare (Spanish: I will praise). A theme song of Latin American Catholic charismatics
Aladura (Yoruba: People who pray). African indigenous tradition across West Africa, with 3 million adherents.
Alawites Followers of Alawiya, a sect of Shia Islam in Latakia province, Syria, Lebanon and Cilicia (Turkey), also called Nusayris.
Albanian A European ethnolinguistic family and people.
Albanian/Greek An Eastern Orthodox liturgical tradition dating back to the Apostolic era.
Alexandria One of the 4 earliest patriarchates in the early Church, still the see city of 4 rival patriarchates and patriarchs: Coptic Orthodox, Coptic Catholic, Melkite and Greek Orthodox.
Alexandrian The Alexandrian or Egyptian rite of the Catholic Church consists of 2 sub-rites: Coptic, and Ethiopic (qv).
alien A person of another family, race or place; stranger, foreigner.
alien Christian scale Referring to a a specific people or other segment, this is a computed scale from 0-10 measuring culturally alien (non-indigenous) Christian and evangelistic influence on the people by estimating the number of Christians from other cultures who reside on its territory.
alien Christians Christians who reside in or work on the territory of a different culture.
Altaic An Asian ethnolinguistic family.
altered states of consciousness Religious experiences of a particular intensity, especially ecstatic states, trance, or dissociation; a category of psychobiological phenomena, amenable to observation and other objective methods of study; including spirit possession, soul loss, ecstatic religious behavior, faith-healing, mysticism, glossolalia, occult, shouting, visions, et alia.
alternate future A range of 2 or more future scenarios depicting possible future developments by means of trends and statistics, ranging from optimistic to pessimistic and covering all possible eventualities.
alternative futures Two or more alternative scenarios or possibilities or probable futures of a given present situation, based on current trends.
alternative media In contrast to the mass media, small-scale participatory media, including drama, live theatre, dance, opera, ballet, wall newspapers (community-produced), etc.
alternative reality tradition Term for the alternative view and experience of reality provided by modern Western cults of monistic/mystic/occult/shamanistic type (e.g. Theosophy, Rosicrucianism), as contrasted with the mainstream Western/European/Hebrew-Greek/normative scientific worldview of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
amateur radio Operating of radio sets as a pastime rather than as a profession.
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