World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
cenobite A member of a religious group living in common, as contrasted with hermits.
censorship, religious The practice of censoring (deleting, banning, altering, excising) letters to and from a country, especially to intercept Christian material.
census A term used here solely for an official government population census (qv) usually with complete (100%) enumeration of the whole population.
census A large-scale formal act of counting or evaluating of people and property.
census schedule A form or questionnaire used for collection of information in a census.
Central Amerindian An American Indian ethnolinguistic family, with 220 languages.
central conference See conference.
Central or Broad Church Anglicans Prayer Book, Liberal or Comprehensive Anglicans, including (from 1976) the New Synod Group; attempting to provide a via media between Anglo-Catholics and Anglican Evangelicals.
chain A second layer of close language relationships in the linguasphere.
chaitya A stupa (qv).
Chalcedonian Eastern Orthodox (qv).
Chaldean The Chaldean or Syro-Oriental or East Syrian rite of the Catholic Church consists of 2 sub-rites: Chaldean, and Syro-Malabarese.
Chaldeans Chaldean-rite Catholics subordinate to Rome.
chances Used in the numerical analysis of distinct occasions or opportunities for persons to become disciples of Christ; synonymous with offers, invitations.
chapel Christian sanctuary other than a cathedral or parish church, sometimes private, sometimes in a school or other institution, or Nonconformist.
chaplain A clergyman officially attached to a school college or other public institution, or to the armed forces or other bodies.
chaplaincy The sphere of work and office of a chaplain (qv).
chapter (1) The body of canons of a cathedral. (2) The regular assembly for business of the canons of a cathedral or collegiate church or religious order or congregation.
charisma, charismata Spiritual gifts or talents divinely granted as exemplified in early Christianity by the power of healing, gift of tongues, or prophesying.
charismatic Gifted, instructed; a person involved in the charismatic renewal.
Charismatic Used here to refer to the organized Charismatic Renewal within the nonpentecostal mainline denominations.
charismatic A religious person or group or movement stressing direct divine inspiration, glossolalia, faith healing and similar ministries.
charismatic communities See basic communities.
Charismatic Renewal The pentecostal or neo-pentecostal renewal or revival movement within the mainline Protestant, Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox churches, characterized by healings, tongues, prophesyings, et alia.
Charismatics Baptized members affiliated to nonpentecostal denominations who have entered into the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit; the Second Wave of the Pentecostal/Charismatic/Neocharismatic Renewal.
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