World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
visible church See church visible.
visual gospel (1) A film or movie of the life of Christ, either via video, or in an 8mm or 16mm presentation; or (2) a film strip based on a gospel, or (3) an art exhibit illustrating the Good News by works of art (paintings) or photographs.
vital statistics Registration statistics of births, deaths, marriages, divorces, etc.
vocation A task or function to which one is called by God.
volume of evangelism A scientifically-derived computed estimate of the percentage of persons in a country or other population segment who have become influenced by evangelism to awareness of Christianity, Christ, and the gospel.
Wahhabites Sunni Muslims reform movement of the most rigid school of law, Hanabila.
Waldensians A Protestant tradition dating back in Italy to AD 1173, now loosely united with Methodism.
waqf, wakf (Arabic; plural, awkaf). A Muslim religious or charitable foundation created by an endowed trust fund.
ward In Mormon usage, a small territorial unit or division of a stake (qv) presided over by a bishopric and comprising branches of church auxiliary organizations and quorums of the Aaronic priesthood; equivalent to a parish.
Watchtower,Watch Tower A name for Jehovahs Witnesses; part of their legal name, also of major publication.
weddings, church See marriages, church.
weekly attenders Affiliated Christians (church members) who attend church services of public worship at least once a week, i.e. regularly every Sunday (for sabbatarians, every Saturday).
Wesleyans Holiness Christians (qv).
West Syrians Syrian Orthodox (Jacobites), Orthodox Syrians (India).
Western Church A collective term for the Christian Churches in the Western world, or western Europe, or the Patriarchate of the West (Rome).
Western Syrians A est Syrians (qv).
Western world A term, based on political alignment, for the Western or Capitalist countries of Europe, North America, et alia, including capitalist and non-Marxist Socialist or Social Democratic countries.
white magic Magic (qv) with benevolent intent, as opposed to black magic (qv).
Wider Episcopal Fellowship An attempt to co-ordinate all churches and denominations with historic episcopacy and with some historical claim to apostolic succession.
witch One supposed to possess supernatural powers in order to bewitch people inadvertently.
witchcraft The inadvertent exercise of supernatural powers to harm others.
witchcraft eradication movement A spontaneous movement, especially in Africa, attempting to eradicate witchcraft by offering holy water or other preventative magic and by denunciation of witches.
witchdoctor A professional worker of magic in primitive society who by spells, charms, herbal remedies et alia seeks to cure illness, detect witches and counteract malevolent magical influences; a shaman, medicine man.
withdrawal from church membership In West Germany and other European countries with state-established Protestant churches of which the whole population largely are members, legislation now provides for the possibility of persons making a formal legal withdrawal from membership, thereby avoiding church income tax.
witness Public testimony by word or deed to ones religious or Christian faith.
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