World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
trine immersion The practice of immersing a candidate for baptism 3 times in the names in turn of the Trinity.
Trinitarianism The Christian doctrine of the triune nature of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). In the 20th century, this has become the major non-negotiable dogma of mainstream Christianity.
triumphalism A theology of continuous success, namely that the church continually triumphs over evil, succeeds, grows numerically larger and larger. Once espoused by the Catholic Church and other large denominations, this is now rejected as unscriptural.
triumphalism In Christian parlance, either (1) inordinate pride in publicizing huge memberships or rapid church growth, or (2) self-praise or publicized self-congratulation over an agencys achievements.
True Orthodox Devoutly conservative Russian Orthodox in the former USSR who have seceded from their parent body at various time (1900, 1927, 1944 1956, et alia) to embark on total non-cooperation with the Soviet state.
trumping Black religious dance from the Caribbean (especially in Revival Zion and Pocomania) known as dancing, trumping and laboring for the Holy Ghost, being the means whereby the Spirit or spirits are invited to take possession. Worshippers form a dancing-trumping ring and dance counter-clockwise around a center post (symbolic of center of the world), in a shuffling 2-step dance done to 2-2 rhythm, bending forward and up in rhythmic sequence while sucking in breath and releasing with grunting sound.
Tukutendereza (Luganda for We praise you, Jesus) Atheme song of East African Revivalists (Balokole).
Twelvers Ithna-Asharis (qv).
typology The study of types, symbols, symbolism, especially those describing religion or religious properties or phenomena, in order to make sense of vast masses of intractable data.
U A computed estimate of the percentage of peoples in a particular population segment (world, country, person, city) who are unevangelized; equivalent to 100-E, as %.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Free World The major Ukrainian Orthodox world communion.
Ukrainians Catholics of the Byzantine rite using Ukrainian.
ulema, ulama (Arabic). The highest body of religious authorities in Islam; a group of Muslim theologians and scholars who are professionally occupied with the elaboration and interpretation of the Muslim legal system from a study of Quran and hadith.
ummah (Arabic) The community of faith embracing all Muslims, adherents of Islam.
unaffiliated Christians Persons professing publicly to be Christians but who are not affiliated to churches, i.e. not church members, unaffiliated or unchurched Christians not, no longer, or not yet attached to organized Christianity, or who have rejected the institutional churches whilst retaining Christian beliefs and values, who may be Christians individually but are not part of the churches corporate life, community or fellowship.
unaffiliated Christians Persons professing allegiance and commitment to Christ but who have no church affiliation.
unattached congregation An independent single congregation or worship center with no denominational ties.
unbaptized Christian A professing or believing Christian who has not, or not yet, undergone Christian baptism.
unbelief Non-belief, doubt, incredulity, agnosticism, apathy in matters of religious faith.
unbelievers Non-religious persons: doubters, non-believers, agnostics, freethinkers, liberal thinkers, non-religious humanists, persons indifferent to both religion and atheism.
uncanonical Unsanctioned, unorthodox, not being in accord with church canons.
unchristen To annul the baptism of a person.
unchristian Not of the Christian faith, contrary to Christianity.
unchristianize To turn people from Christianity, dechristianize.
unchurch To excommunicate, expel, separate from the church, deprive of church membership.
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