World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Shintoists Followers of the indigenous religion of Japan, a collective of native beliefs and mythology dating back to 660 BCE and includes worship at public shrines in devotion to a number of gods.
short-service missionaries Foreign missionary personnel serving abroad for a single period of from 6 to 24 months only.
short-term (short-service) missionary Persons serving abroad as foreign missionary personnel under a recognized mission agency for a single period of from 3 to 24 months only.
short-term personnel Short-service missionaries (qv).
short-wave broadcasting Wireless communication, usually over long distances, using wavelengths of 60 meters or less (frequencies of 500 kilohertz or more).
Shroud of Christ See sindonology.
sib, sibling A brother or sister.
Sikhs Followers of the Sikhism, founded by Guru Nanak in the 15th century in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent. Traditions include Akali, Khalsa, Nanapanthi, Nirmali, Sewapanthi, and Udasi.
silence, churches of See crypto-Christians.
simpatizante (Spanish). Asympathizer, person interested in Protestantism in Latin America but unable to make public profession or seek church membership.
simultaneous audible prayer Prayer in tongues (glossolalia) by a number of individuals, independently and on unrelated topics, aloud and at the same time during worship services.
sindonology The science of the study of Christs sindon (Holy Shroud) as preserved in Turin cathedral, Italy.
single congregation A single autonomous worship center, completely independent and unaffiliated to any denomination, nor claiming to be a denomination.
Sis Cilicia (qv).
sister A female church worker; a religious sister, nun; a female fellow-Christian.
sisterhood A community or society of sisters.
skeptic A skeptic (qv).
skeptic (skeptic). An unbeliever, agnostic.
skepticism The doctrine that any true knowledge is impossible or that all knowledge is uncertain especially in matters of religion; agnosticism.
Slav A European ethnolinguistic family.
Slavonic Eastern Orthodox liturgical tradition followed in Russia, Bulgaria, et alia discontinued in the 1980s.
Slovak rite Used by Byzantine Catholics in Czechoslovakia.
slumdwellers Persons residing in make-shift dwellings on the streets of the worlds cities.
small communities See basic communities.
small-group evangelism Personal evangelism undertaken within the context of small study groups, house churches, et alia.
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