World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
separatism A disposition towards secession or schism.
separatist A dissenter or schismatic out of an established church; a nonconformist.
separatist church A group of Christians who have separated from their parent church because of disagreement on some issue and who have formed themselves into a new and separate denomination.
Sephardis See Sefardis.
Serbian/Slavonic Eastern Orthodox liturgical tradition (Serbian Orthodox Church).
sermon A religious discourse delivered in public usually by a clergyman or minister, as part of a worship service.
serology The science that treats of serums, their reactions and properties; necessary for the classification of races and peoples.
service The performance of religious worship according to settled public forms or conventions.
service agencies Major national, international or countrywide bodies, para-church organizations and agencies which assist or serve the churches but are not themselves denominations or church-planting missions.
service agency Major national, international or country-wide bodies, parachurch organizations and agencies which assist or serve the churches but are not themselves denominations or church-planting missions.
session The ruling body of a Presbyterian congregation consisting of the elders in active service moderated by the pastor; consistory, presbytery.
settler A person who settles down in a new region or colony.
Seveners Ismailis (qv).
Shaffiites Followers of Shafiiya, one of the 4 schools or rites of Sunni Muslim law.
Shaivites Worshippers of Shiva (Siva) in several schools, including Pasupata, Kashmiri, Siddha, Gorakhnatha, Vira; also diversity according to geographic location in India.
shakubuku (Japanese). The aggressive-conversion process practiced by the New Religious movement, Soka Gakkai.
shaman A priest-doctor who uses magic to cure the sick, to divine the hidden, and to control events that affect peoples welfare.
shamanists Followers of Ural-Altaic, Amerindian, Korean and other religions which believe that the unseen world of gods, demons, and ancestral spirits is responsive only to shamans.
shamanists Ethnoreligionists with a hierarchy of shamans and healers.
sharia (Arabic). Islamic law.
sharing countries 12 countries across the world which both send and receive large numbers of foreign missionaries and personnel.
sheik, sheikh Muslim religious leader or cleric or scholar; an Arab chief.
shepherding In the modern charismatic movement, the practice of a leader exercising strict or extensive authority over his flock of immediate followers.
shepherds Apostles in charismatic bodies.
Shias (Shiis). Followers of the smaller of the 2 great divisions of Islam, rejecting the Sunna and holding that Mohammeds son-in-law Ali was the Prophets successor and itself divided into the Ithna-Ashari Ismaili, Alawite and Zaydi sects.
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