World Christian Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
basic communities Small ecclesial communities or groups that have sprung up in the churches, stressing community, renewal, charismatic gifts, prayer, Bible study, evangelism, et alia; spontaneous communities, underground communities, et alia.
basic data Raw data, crude data, primary data.
Basilians Used of Eastern monks in general.
basilica In Catholic and Orthodox ecclesiology, a canonical title of honor with liturgical privileges given to churches distinguished either by their antiquity, dignity, historical significance, or by their role as international centers of worship and relation to a major saint, or historical event, or (in Orthodoxy) a national patriarch. In Catholicism, they are of 2 kinds (a) major basilicas (St Peters, St John Lateran et alia in Rome), (b) minor basilicas (as in USA, Canada, et alia).
Basque An isolated European ethnolinguistic family.
Baster A Eurafrican or Colored people in Namibia.
beachhead The initial planting of indigenous fellowships in an otherwise unreached people or unevangelized population segment.
belief Statistics of personal belief have been widely investigated in public-opinion polls and surveys. Typical questions, with nation-wide adult percentage of Yes responses: Do you believe in a God? (1948) Brazil 96%, Australia 95%, Canada 95%, USA 94%, Norway 84%, UK 84%, Finland 83%, Netherlands 80%, Sweden 80%, Denmark 80%, France 66%; (1968) UK 74%; (1970) Netherlands 81%; (1973) Canada 67%, UK 77%; (1975) UK 72%; (1979) UK 73%. Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God? (1957) USA 90%, UK 71% , (1975) Spain 61%. Do you believe that Jesus Christ will ever return to earth? (1960) USA 55%. Can a person be a Christian if he does not go to church? (1957) UK 85%, USA 78%. Have you been born again through committing yourself to Christ? (1976) USA 34%.
believer One who believes or professes a religious faith; often used only of Christians, but sometimes of all religions.
believers baptism Adult baptism, by immersion, on profession of faith.
believers Term in wide use in secularized or nonreligious societies or regimes for describing followers of religion.
believing Christians See committed Christians.
bell-ringing Campanology (qv).
Belorussian White-Ruthenian, a sub-rite of the Byzantine rite (qv); suppressed and with no jurisdictions (1980).
Berber Middle Eastern ethnolinguistic family, with 30 languages.
Bezirk (German: District). An administrative region of the New Apostolic Church, which has 30 Districts across the world.
Bible For Christians, the revealed Word of God, Holy Scriptures, with 66 Books (39 OT, 27 NT).
Bible This term is always used to describe only the whole or complete Bible of 66 Books (sometimes plus Apocrypha).
Bible correspondence courses See correspondence courses.
Bible distribution Distribution (free, subsidized, commercial): copies of the whole Bible per year.
Bible organizations There are over 370 major Christian organizations at work in this field.
Bible schools Centers for the training of Christian workers usually of less than secondary education, often for the ordained ministry in Third-World countries, more usually for lay ministries. In Latin American Protestantism the term tends to be synonymous with seminaries (qv).
Bible smuggler Western tourist or courier from Europe or North America who enters Communist or non-Christian lands with numerous copies of the Bible for illegal distribution
Bible Student movement A schismatic movement out of Jehovahs Witnesses which has produced a number of new denominations.
Bible studies In Jehovahs Witnesses statistics, the number of Bible studies conducted each year by publishers in the course of house-to-house visiting. World total: (1959) 606,075, (1974) 1,351,404, (1998) 4,302,852.
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