World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
country Christians who know non-Christians Christians who know non-Christians.
country Church crime pa Ecclesiastical crime (embezzlements) each year in this country. 'Ecclesiastical Crime' refers to criminal activity on the part of church officials; restricted in scope here to embezzlements of church funds by their top custodians (treasurers, presidents, et alii).
country Church income pa The collective income earned by all churches in this country each year.
country CO2 emissions per capita Annual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (production) per capita. Primary source: HDR 2023-24.
country Confucianist % Number of Confucianist as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. Confucians are non-Chinese followers of Confucius and Confucianism; mostly Koreans and in Korea.
country Confucianists Number of Confucianists in this country's population. Confucianists are Non-Chinese followers of Confucius and Confucianism; mostly Koreans and in Korea.
country Congregations Number of worship centers (churches, congregations) in this country.
country Congregations per m Number of worship centers per million of the country's population.
country Corruption Index Transparency International's "Corruption Perceptions Index" (CPI) measures the perceived levels of public-sector corruption in a given country. Expressed here in reverse so that higher values indicate higher levels of corruption. Primary source: Transparency International, 2019.
country Country Affiliated Christian % Church members as a percentage of this country's population in 2020; Affiliated Church members are persons belonging to or connected with organized churches, whose names are inscribed, written or entered on the churches books, records, or rolls.
country Country Affiliated Christians Number of church members in this country in 2020; Affiliated church members are persons belonging to or connected with organized churches, whose names are inscribed, written or entered on the churches books, records, or rolls.
country Country code Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes.
country Country footnote Note to clarify the areas included in this country.
country Country ID Unique country identifier (primary key) used by the database. A four-letter code assigned to each country is also unique, but not unchanging.
country Country Name Name of this country.
country Country Pop 1900 This figure represents the country's total population in 1900.
country Country Pop 1910 This figure represents the country's total population in 1910.
country Country Pop 1925 This figure represents the country's total population in 1925.
country Country Pop 1930 This figure represents the country's total population in 1930.
country Country Pop 1950 This figure represents the country's total population in 1950.
country Country Pop 1970 This figure represents the country's total population in 1970.
country Country Pop 1975 This figure represents the country's total population in 1975.
country Country Pop 2000 This figure represents the country's total population in 2000.
country Country Pop 2005 This figure represents the country's total population in 2005.
country Country Pop 2010 This figure represents the country's total population in 2010.
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