Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2023).
Table | Field | Description |
city | Capital city | Capital city. |
city | Christians | Number of Christians in this city in 2020. |
city | Christians % | Christians as a percentage of this city's population in 2020. |
city | City ID | Unique city identifier (primary key) used by the database. |
city | City name | Name of this city. |
city | Country code | Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes. |
city | Country ID | ID of the country in which this city is located. |
city | Latitude | Latitude. |
city | Longitude | Longitude. |
city | Note | Additional descriptive data for this city. The code 'F=' refers to the date in which the city was founded (earliest date of known settlement). |
city | People with gospel access | The number of people with access to the gospel. |
city | People with gospel access % | The percentage of this city's population with access to the gospel. |
city | Pop 2025 | Given current trends, this is the projected population for this city, by mid-2025. |
city | Population | Population in this city in mid-2020. |
communion | Communion Adherents | Adherents 2015 as published for the communion or council. This is sometimes reported as an earlier 2010 estimate when that is more than the sum of affiliated church members. This can occur when membership is wider than the listed denominations. e.g. individual memberships may be included in total membership. |
communion | Communion Code | Quick reference code. Consists of an alpha character plus a number where 1=upper case, 2=lower case, 3=underlined upper case, 4=underlined lower case. |
communion | Communion ID | Unique communion/council identifier (primary key) used by the database. |
communion | Communion Level | Five levels: World communions; world councils; continental councils; regional councils and national councils. |
communion | Communion Level description | Five levels: World communions; world councils; continental councils; regional councils and national councils. |
communion | Communion name | Communion name shortened for ease of listing. |
communion | Communion name (long form) | Communion name in full. |
communion | Communion Note | Additional comments, spellings and abbreviations. |
communion | Communion sort | Temporary number assigned by the database for the purpose of sorting. |
communion | Country code | Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes. |
communion | Country count | Number of countries in which this council has member denominations. |
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Membership data, year begun, and rates of change.
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A repository of historical data, including a chronology of Christianity from the 1st to 21st centuries.